My stories survey the genre of sci-fi, speculative fiction, and anything from fantasy, weird, to slipstream.

Kitchen Conversation

“Who are you?” asked Pot.

“Butter,” said Butter with a thick French accent. She was wrapped in a fancy, colorful foil that read “Made in France”.

“Are you new?” said Pot, feeling a bit overprotective of the Stove and its space. 

“Non-non, I am matured. I’ve been in the Refrigerator for a week, and just got out.”

“Well, congratulations and welcome! So what are you here for?”



Dark left for work earlier than usual. There were still some flickers of light here and there clutching at the space—his space now––but not too much to make him irritable. As he was gliding through the plains of a planet, he saw Light giving him a finger and a glare accompanied by: “It’s not your time yet, you sunless beast. Go back to your hole until my shift is over!”